- Rassegna Esteri
Does Biden have the wisdom to be better than Trump?
NourNews – There has been nothing like Donald Trump’s tenure in the White House these past four years for sheer…
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Trump vuole mantenere pressione sull’Iran
L’inviato statunitense per l’Iran, Elliott Abrams, ha affermato che l’amministrazione Trump manterrà la sua campagna di pressione fino all’inaugurazione e…
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Potential Contenders for Biden’s Cabinet
NourNews – Biden’s Cabinet – The potential White House staff list consists of various cultural components of America, including African-Americans,…
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Usa, vince comunque la Macchina da Guerra
Aspettare i risultati delle elezioni presidenziali statunitensi è come aspettare di scoprire se il serial killer dalla faccia sorridente colpirà…
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Remnants of Trump for the American people
Trump enters the 2020 election with his poor performance in his domestic and foreign achievements in the United States. While…
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Which country will the American people vote for in the 2020 election!?
Brooklyn – Although Trump’s business policies and job creation and the United States had attracted the attention of many Americans…
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Iran non ha mai attaccato un Paese negli ultimi 300 anni
Gli Stati Uniti affermano che l’Iran è uno stato sponsor del terrorismo, ma l’esercito Usa non è altro che un’organizzazione…
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What were the purposes of Iran’s alleged involvement in the US elections?
NourNews – The White House has accused the Islamic Republic of Iran of meddling in US elections, citing some e-mails…
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Trump Trails Biden by 7 Points in National Survey
Tasnim – US Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leads President Trump by 7 percentage points nationwide in a new Hill-HarrisX…
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Evangelici hanno ancora fede in Trump?
I Cristiani evangelici sono stati tra i più accesi sostenitori del presidente Trump nelle elezioni presidenziali negli Stati Uniti del…
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