human rights
- Rassegna Esteri
Gaza, Health Workers Tortured by Israeli Soldiers
Tasnim – Israeli forces have arbitrarily detained and tortured Palestinian healthcare workers in Gaza, subjecting them to humiliation and abuse,…
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Amnesty International Says There Is Sufficient Evidence of Israeli Genocide in Gaza
Tasnim – Human rights group Amnesty International says it has found enough evidence to conclude that Israel is committing genocide…
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Myanmar, uccisi oltre 200 civili Rohingya
Stanno emergendo nuovi resoconti di atrocità contro i civili Rohingya nel Myanmar occidentale, da parte di un potente gruppo armato,…
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Israele usa armi termiche che fondono i corpi
Gruppi a difesa dei diritti umani sollecitano un’indagine sul potenziale utilizzo da parte di Israele di armi termiche vietate nella…
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American human rights revealed in pro-Palestine demos
Mehr News – A wave of pro-Palestinian protests has spread at American universities as students gathered on campuses around the…
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Evidence of torture at Gaza mass graves
Tehran Times – Palestinian authorities say mass graves found in Gaza show that the victims of Israeli military raids at…
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Blood of Palestine martyrs will mark end of Zionist regime
Mehr News – Iranian President says the blood of the martyrs of Gaza and Palestine will mark the end of…
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Gaza massacre taking place under US empty human rights slogan
Mehr News – The Iranian foreign minister has said that the continued killing of thousands of civilians including women and…
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Gaza: oltre 20mila le vittime della mattanza israeliana
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor ha riportato che Il numero dei morti dell’aggressione israeliana nella Striscia di Gaza ha raggiunto quota…
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Human Rights Watch esorta la Tunisia a fermare “espulsioni collettive” dei rifugiati africani
Human Rights Watch – Centinaia di rifugiati provenienti dall’Africa sub-sahariana sono rimasti bloccati la scorsa settimana in condizioni terribili nel…
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