- Rassegna Esteri
Iraq: 150 terrorists killed, including 25 Chechen suicide bombers
Local Editor Media War Cell announced on Friday killing 25 Chechen suicide bombers that were planning to attack the city…
Leggi tutto » - Primo Piano
Iraq: Hashad al-Shaabi sta salvando il Paese dal terrorismo
Il vicepresidente iracheno, Nouri al-Maliki, ha dichiarato giorni fa nel corso di un’intervista esclusiva rilasciata all’agenzia Abna che: “Abbiamo avallato…
Leggi tutto » - Medio Oriente
Il petrolio del Kurdistan iracheno svenduto illegalmente ad Israele
di Redazione Israele importa il 77% del suo fabbisogno di petrolio dal Kurdistan iracheno; lo ha rivelato il Financial Times…
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Iraq’s Most Famous Shia Militia Leader Speaks Out
Local Editor Qais al-Khazali has been described as “one of the most feared and respected militia leaders in Iraq”; he…
Leggi tutto » - Asia
Iraq, nuove fosse comuni scoperte nel nord del Paese
di Redazione In seguito al ritiro dei terroristi dell’Isis, le forze militari curde dei Peshmerga hanno scoperto giorni fa tre…
Leggi tutto » - Rassegna Esteri
Iraq PM orders military commanders to face court martial over abandoning positions in Ramadi
Local Editor Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi directed military commanders on Sunday to face a court martial for abandoning their…
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Islamic Revolution has Created Axes of Resistance, Islamic Awakening, and Liberating
Islamic Revolution – The head of Islamic supreme council of Iraq in the opening of 6th General Assembly of the…
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About 300 killed, injured in truck bomb explosion in Shiite district of Iraqi capital Baghdad
Local Editor A powerful truck bomb blast has reportedly killed dozens of people and injured about 200 in Baghdad, reports…
Leggi tutto » - Rassegna Esteri
Triple Bombing in Iraq’s Diyala Kills 58, Wounds more than 100
Local Editor Three explosions, two of them suicide bombings, killed 58 people near Baquba, the capital of Iraq’s restive eastern…
Leggi tutto » - Palestina
Iran, l’Isil sull’orlo dell’annientamento
di Redazione Malgrado i continui servizi “preconfezionati” sfornati giornalmente dalla macchina mediatica occidentale sulla presunta inarrestabile avanzata dell’Isil in Iraq…
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