Ali Khamenei
- Primo Piano
Nasrallah Hails Great Mosul Victory
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Tuesday a speech in which he tackled the Liberation of…
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Senior Iranian official warns US against any act of aggression
A senior military adviser to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has warned the US against launching…
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10 Reasons Why Saudi Arabia Was Behind the ISIL Attacks in Tehran
Tehran – On Wednesday, June 7, suicide bombers and gunmen carried out a pair of attacks, hitting the Iranian parliament…
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Hezbollah condanna attacchi Teheran: un tentativo di giocare con la forte stabilità dell’Iran
Hezbollah condanna gli attacchi terroristici commessi ieri nella capitale iraniana di Teheran, che hanno preso di mira l’Assemblea consultiva islamica…
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Irgc: US Lacks Courage to Attack Iran
Iran – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (Irgc) Navy commander said Iran’s military capabilities have grown so enormously that the…
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Iran, annunciata lista definitiva dei candidati presidenziali
Iran – Il ministero dell’Interno iraniano ha rilasciato ieri la seguente lista definitiva dei candidati qualificati per le prossime elezioni…
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Iran marks Army Day with parade
Iran has commemorated its Army Day during a ceremony attended by President Hassan Rouhani and top military brass. The ceremony,…
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Iran opens registration for May 19 presidential election
Tehran – Iran has opened registration for those hoping to run in the May 19 presidential election. The official Irna news…
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Iran, la pericolosità delle minacce “morbide”
Iran – Il Comandante del Corpo delle Guardie della Rivoluzione Islamica (Irgc), maggiore generale Mohammad Ali Jafari ha definito le…
Leggi tutto » - Asia
Russia: incontro tra Putin e l’Imam Khamenei a Teheran
di Redazione Il consigliere del Cremlino Yuri Ushakov ha annunciato ieri che il presidente russo Vladimir Putin incontrerà lunedì prossimo a…
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