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Russia, China condemn US’ unilateral sanctions against Iran

Mehr News Agency – Iran – Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a joint statement asked the JCPOA signatories to adhere to their commitments under the deal.

russia-iran“The sides are pleased to note that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirms in its reports that Iran continues to fulfill its obligations under the JCPOA. The sides also condemn the unilateral sanctions by the USA against the Islamic Republic of Iran,” the document states. “The sides call on Iran to refrain from further steps to cease the fulfillment of its obligations under the JCPOA and call on other members of the JCPOA to fulfill their obligations.”, according to TASS.

The Russian and Chinese leaders have also stressed the importance of the JCPOA, reaffirming their commitment to sustainable and unequivocal fulfillment of all obligations under the agreement in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and Article 25 of the UN Charter.

In addition to China and Russia, European Union (EU) has also expressed its opposition to the US unilateral sanctions on Iran, although European countries have not yet taken any practical steps to continue JCPOA.

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