Rassegna Esteri

Rouhani: Iran Will Keep Supporting Syria, Actions against It Will Harm US Allies

Local Editor

Iran President Hassan Rouhani said Wednesday that Tehran will keep supporting Damascus,  condemning any military action against any of the countries in the region, especially Syria.

Rouhani stressed that Syria security and stability are important for the Islamic Republic and that any strike against Damascus will harm the whole region, mainly the US allies.

“Strengthening terrorism in the Middle East is one of the problems that the West caused”, Rouhani stated, highlighting that coping with terrorism and opposing foreign intervention are main items in the Iranian  government program.

“The Iranian government will keep providing the humanitarian aids to the Syrian people that suffer severe living conditions nowadays”, he added.

“Fortunately, the Western plot to strike Syria is being faced by many hardships. The British House of Commons opposed the strike as it realizes that it would be destructive”, Sheikh Hassan Rouhani emphasized.

“Obama’s decision to seek congressional authorization asserts that the strike against Syria lacks the international legitimacy and public authorization”, he explained.

“The main problem in Syria is that the foreign intervention and the infiltration of terrorists replace the public will”.

“Iran will continue exerting  intensive political efforts to maintain the regional stability”, President Hassan Rouhani stressed.

Source: Al Manar

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