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Kurdistan: Iraqi region’s soil won’t be used to harm Iran

IrnaNechervan Barzani, president of the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region in northern Iraq, has said that Kurdistan’s soil will never be used to harm the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Barzani made the comment on Thursday following his meeting with Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian who is currently on an official visit to Iraq.

The Kurdistan region’s soil should never be used to harm the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kurdish president said, stressing that the semi-autonomous region shares many commonalities with Iran.

He also said that Iranian and Kurdish officials, during their talks, had stressed the importance of developing security ties. Barzani praised the Iranian president’s visit to Kurdistan a historic trip.

Pezeshkian arrived in Erbil on Thursday on the second day of his trip to Iraq, becoming the first ever president of the Islamic Republic of Iran to visit the semi-autonomous region. He also held talks with leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Masoud Barzani.

On Wednesday, Pezeshkian hailed “good” relations between Iran and the Iraqi Kurdistan region, saying, “We make efforts to strengthen them”. He made the remark in Kurdish language in response to a question by a reporter of Kurdistan-based Rudaw news network.

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