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Iran, all about the interim nuclear deal

NourNews – The Interim Deal is the code name designed by the Biden administration to evade fulfillment of JCPOA’s commitments while at the same time recording a dramatic achievement within the framework of the Democrats’ slogans in the 2020 presidential election. Before the start of a new round of talks between Iran and the P4+1 in the 13th administration of Iran, a keyword titled “Interim Deal” was forged and widely circulated by the American media and some Western political experts.

In addition to the wide repetition of this keyword, the “time limit” for pursuing negotiations was also constantly emphasized. The big lie of Iran’s time-consuming nuclear breakthrough as part of the Western side of the negotiating table’s psychological plan was also injected into the media space of the Vienna talks as an accelerator of two other components to reinforce the US-perceived perception that it intended to Iran has a time limit for reaching the nuclear breakaway point to reach a lasting agreement, so it should look for a “temporary horizon” to make it a credible issue.

Now, in the wake of repeated reports from the Chamber of Negotiations in Vienna, Iran’s insistence on lifting sanctions on Iran and its economic interests, as well as the need to verify the lifting of sanctions and the provision of guarantees by the United States, the visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran once again It provided Russia with a new platform for the American media to revive the keyword interim agreement.

NBC News reported yesterday, quoting several US officials, that during Ayatollah Raisi’s recent visit to Russia, Moscow informed the United States that Iran had offered to cancel some of the nuclear deal by imposing an interim nuclear deal, to benefit from sanctions removal in front of the suspension of its nuclear program.

The American media coverage is being pursued while Iran has repeatedly stated explicitly that it will not accept any interim agreement and is only seeking a credible and lasting agreement.

Why the US and the West are trying to fit the keyword of the interim agreement is a question that can be answered to clearly determine the real positions of the parties to the Vienna talks.

The United States, as the violator of JCPOA, which has dealt a severe blow to the agreement by not fulfilling its obligations, is now the first-line defendant in creating the status quo and naturally has to pay the highest price for rebuilding what it has destroyed.

Although the Biden administration has entered into negotiations with the slogan of returning to JCPOA and restoring the situation before the US withdrawal from JCPOA, both because of the real US strategy to maintain maximum pressure on Iran and because of pressure from Republicans To escape the fulfillment of the obligations of the United States and at the same time to record a dramatic achievement within the framework of its election slogans.

The US government is trying to pursue this strategy at the expense of Iran. Accusing Iran of wasting time and trying to cross the nuclear escape point, along with raising the issue of an interim agreement, pursues two main goals;

First, the United States is evading commitments maintaining the structure of sanctions, and refusing to be subject to verification and guarantees.

Second, provide some limited and temporary financial incentives to Tehran in exchange for accepting commitments equivalent to halting Iran’s nuclear activities. It is very clear that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not even willing to accept a proposal with these specifications, let alone enter into negotiations with this order.

The Vienna talks have reached a very critical and decisive stage, the outcome of which depends entirely on the political decisions of the United States.

If the Biden government cannot or does not want to return to its obligations and accept the inalienable rights of the Iranian people, it must now be ready to accept responsibility for the failure of the negotiations and add to its thick case of irresponsibility and failure to destroy the Vienna talks.

by Pooya Mirzaei

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