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Independence biggest achievement of Islamic Revolution

Mehr News Agency – Deputy Coordinator of the Iranian Army Habibollah Sayyari says Iran today does not need any foreign help, adding independence is the biggest achievement of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari made the remarks on an Iranian radio program in Tehran on Wednesday, saying “the Iranian Army acts according to plans, seeking to enhance its defense and military capability.”

Comparing the Iranian Army today with pre-Islamic Revolution era, Rear Admiral Sayyari stated “the army was better equipped and better trained before the Revolution, but it was a dependent entity and foreign advisers made decisions and policies for it.”

The Deputy Coordinator of the Iranian Army added “today, we have reached somewhere that we do not need foreigners’ help anymore, and that is the biggest achievement of the Islamic Revolution,” adding “the readiness of the army alongside the IRGC, the police force, the Ministry of Defense and our Basiji forces has placed us in a regional power position that nobody can deny.”

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