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Zarif: talks with Macron on JCPOA as ‘constructive’

Mehr News Agency – After meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, the Iranian foreign minister described the talks as ‘good and constructive.’ Speaking to reporters after this afternoon’s meeting with President Macron in Élysée Palace, the top Iranian diplomat Mohammad Javad Zarif said the meeting was in continuation of the recent telephone conversations between President Macron and President Hassan Rouhani.

Zarif said “France provided offers regarding the JCPOA implementation and the steps that the parties need to take and we, for our part, had an offer so that the JCPOA is fully implemented.” Describing the consultations with the French president as ‘good and constructive,’ the Iranian foreign minister said that success of the consultations depend on how the EU implements its JCPOA commitments.

He pointed to the upcoming G7 summit in France as an opportunity for Mr Macron and other European signatories of the JCPOA to talk to the G7 members. He added that Iran will continue the talks and Macron’s contact with Rouhani will also continue.

The top Iranian diplomat went on to say that Iran’s approach is quite clear which is the JCPOA is non-negotiable; however, he said that Iran is ready to continue talks on the JCPOA implementation as it has done during the talks within the framework of the Joint JCPOA Commission. The top Iranian diplomat is scheduled to meet with his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian later today after the meeting with President Macron.

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