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Iran, no military inspection allowed in Jcpoa

Mehr News – The former Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Maj. Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi said that the Jcpoa permits no inspection of Iran’s military sites.

“Ms. Nikki Haley, the US Ambassador to UN, is the US agent for a new devilry and she is lying,” said, on Sunday, Major General Seyyed Hassan Firouzabadi, the former Chief-of-Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, who is currently a senior military advisor to Iran’s Leader.

The Iranian ranking military strategist said that the nuclear agreement made between Iran and 5+1 does not allow any inspection of Iran’s military sites.

“In the Islamic Republic of Iran, no official, whether Iranian or foreigner, is allowed to inspect military sites without the permission of the Commander-in-Chief [Ayatollah Khamenei], even military officials of non-related units,” reiterated the Iranian veteran commander.

He advised the new US president, Donald Trump to abandon provocative games for what he described puppetry to divert attentions from the racist issues in the US. General Firouzabadi asserted that Trump will certainly fail in this new game.

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