Rassegna Esteri

Yemeni Forces Drown Saudi Warship in Bab al-Mandab Strait

Local Editor
Yemeni Army supported by the popular committees have made missile attack against a Saudi warship in the strategic strait of Bab al-Mandab and succeeded to destroy it.

The warship was wrecked off the southwestern coast of Yemen on Wednesday, in the Bab al-Mandab Strait, which connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden, Yemen’s Saba news agency reported, adding that other Saudi battleships fled the area following the attack.

According to the report, the sunken ship had repeatedly fired rockets on residential areas in the southwestern province of Ta’izz, inflicting casualties and destruction there.

Earlier on Wednesday, a Saudi soldier was killed in another retaliatory rocket attack by Yemeni forces on a military base in the kingdom’s southwestern province of Jizan. The Saudi Interior Ministry has confirmed the death of the trooper; Press TV reported.

– See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1746617#sthash.7XW5HUtU.dpuf

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