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White Helmets’ Chemical Cargo Transferred to Terrorists’ Warehouse in Idlib

(FNA) – A large cargo of poisonous materials, smuggled by the pro-militant White Helmets into Syria, has been transferred to a warehouse of Ahrar al-Sham terrorists in Idlib province for a false-flag chemical attack, a Russian media outlet said on Wednesday.

White HelmetsThe Arabic-language website of Sputnik quoted Head of Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria Alexi Siganokov as reporting that a number of the White Helmets Organization members have transferred a large cargo of poisonous materials to a warehouse in the town of Saraqib that is under Ahrar al-Sham’s control. It further said that the consignment was transferred on two large trucks from the village of Afas to Saraqib.

Siganokov told the Arabic Sputnik that a part of the consignment was transferred to Southern Idlib in plastic barrels, adding the barrels of poisons will be used by terrorists to stage a fake chemical attack against civilians to further accuse the gov’t forces of the gas assault.

The Arabic-language al-Mayadeen TV Channel quoted well-informed sources as disclosing that more than 250 members of the pro-militants White Helmets were preparing to take part in a fake rescue operation after a false-flag chemical attack by terrorists in Idlib province.

It went on to say that the White Helmets transferred poisonous materials from Turkey to Syria via al-Hassani’yeh passageway, storing a portion of the materials in the village of Halouz near Jisr al-Shughour in Western Idlib.

Al-Mayadeen further said that vast presence of the White Helmets aid workers were detected in Jisr al-Shughour prison, where poisonous materials have been stored. The TV further quoted the sources as disclosing that the terrorists were to stage a false-flag chemical attack in Idlib a week after the army’s upcoming operation in the region.

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