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University students’ Jihad is to make the nation independent of foreign countries

Mehr News Agency – In a message to the fifty-third meeting of the Union of University Students Islamic Associations in Europe, Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: It is a Jihad in the path of Allah for Iranian students —anywhere in the world—who join the movement of contributing to the development of the country, moving it towards independence from foreigners.

Jihad-KhameneiThe full text of the message which was recited by Hujjatul Islam Ezhei this morning at the Islamic Center of Hamburg is the following:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Dear young individuals,

We know that you, the university students, are the best hopes for the future of our country. What everyone needs to know is that today— by God’s Grace— numerous students of yesterday are engaged in great tasks and deeply feel the joy and satisfaction of contributing to the advancement of knowledge and technology in their home country.

Our today’s university students–in any corner of the world– have the opportunity to join the devout assemblies of contributors that serve the country, in order to make the country completely independent from foreigners. This, when done with sincerity and for the sake of God, is jihad in the path of God. You, the youth in the Islamic Associations, can lead this jihad. I ask God to bestow increased success on you.

Sayyid Ali Khamenei

January 12, 2019

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