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UNICEF financially supports Iran’s Youth Filmmaking Olympiad

The United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) will financially support part of the expenses for the applicants and accepted nominees at the second Youth Filmmaking Olympiad in Iran. The move is part of cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and Unicef.

unicef-IranIn cooperation with Iran Youth Cinema Society and Farabi Cinematic Foundation, the second edition of Iran Youth Filmmaking Olympiad will be held as a part of the 31st International Film Festival for Children and Youth in central province of Isfahan.

In the meantime, Iran Youth Cinema Center is also seeking to pave the way for presence and cooperation of Unicef in the Youth Filmmaking Olympiad in Iran. The Olympiad comprises two sections of “film” and “script”.

The movies, with optional subjects, must last for three minutes and this section includes children and youth aged between 9 and 16. The 31st edition of International Film Festival for Children and Youth is slated for August 30- September 5 in Isfahan Province.

Presided by Alireza Reza Dad, the 31st edition of International Film Festival for Children and Youth is slated for August 30- September 5 in Isfahan Province.

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