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U.S. destroyed certain Muslim countries by sowing discord

Local Editor

Today the enemy seeks to set off an internal war among Muslims and unfortunately they have succeeded in doing so to an extent; they are destroying countries after countries. They are destroying Syria, Yemen and Libya. 

On the birthday anniversaries of the Prophet of Islam and Imam Sadiq (peace be upon them), a group of ambassadors from Muslim countries and invitees to the 29th International Islamic Unity Conference met with the Leader of the Revolution.

The main pivots of the Leader’s speech are as follows:

The duty of the Islamic Ummah (nation) today is not to only celebrate the birthday anniversary of the prophet. The Islamic World should create a new spirit and a fresh environment and form the modern Islamic civilization.

Today the enemy seeks to set off an internal war among Muslims and unfortunately they have succeeded in doing so to an extent; they are destroying countries after countries. They are destroying Syria, Yemen and Libya.

Why do they impose such pressure on Muslims in Bahrain?

In Nigeria, why do they treat the peaceful, believing and reconciling Sheikh (Ibraheem Zakzaky) in such a disastrous manner? They massacred about a thousand people who supported him as well as his 6 children in two years.

Why does the Islamic World remains silent toward such disasters? Why has the Islamic World tolerated the everyday bombardment of Yemen for about a year?

Today the duty of the Islamic Ummah is to establish the modern Islamic civilization with diligent efforts. We have hopes in the scholars of the Muslim world and the sincere intellectuals who do not blindly consider the West as their role model.

We should not rely our hopes on the enemies of the Islamic World and their content or anger [should not encourage any change in our behaviors].

The day when the terms “Shia” and “Sunni” emerged in the American literature, all commentators got worried. The British have a record of sowing discord and setting off wars between Shia and Sunnis and they are experts on that. However, the American plot today is a more dangerous one.

Supporting a sect against another; they oppose the essence of Islam and their animosity is directed at Islam.

When the Islamic Awakening occurred, the enemies of Islam were overwhelmed; the Islamic Awakening is immortal and will achieve its goals by the grace of God.

The aim of the enemies is to set off internal wars among Muslims, and unfortunately they have succeeded in doing so to an extent; they are destroying Muslim countries and their infrastructures one after another. Why should we surrender to this plot and let their goal remain unknown to us? With insight, we should resist.


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