Sayyed Nasrallah Urges Syria Militants to Lay Arms: Resistance Axis Victorious

Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah confirmed that the Resistance’s axis will emerge victorious in the region.
In a speech delivered on the anniversary of Sayyeda Fatima al-Zahra’s [PBUH] birthday, His Eminence denounced the UN body, describing it as a US-Israeli tool. Following the resignation of the head of the United Nation’s West Asia commission over a report accusing Israel of imposing an “apartheid regime” on Palestinians, Sayyed Narallah denounced the international body as a “weak” organization. “This international organization bowed to the US-Israeli pressure,” he said, noting that “the UN once again proved that it is incapable of defending any right and preserving any dignity.”
The Resistance Leader further stated: “The world can’t depend on this organization and its decision to grant us back our occupied land in Palestine, Lebanon and the Golan heights, to defend human rights and to protect our women and children.” He also hailed UN Undersecretary-General and ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf’s strong position in announcing the resignation and refusal to withdraw the report.
“I offer my deepest respect for UN official Rima Khalaf who announced her resignation on Friday after a request to withdraw the report,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, saluting her and urging the Arab and Islamic countries to abide by her report.
Praising the martyrdom of the Palestinian martyr Basil al-Araj, Sayyed Nasrallah condoled the martyr’s family, his village and the entire Palestinian people. “Once again, the Palestinians confirmed their position on the solidity and steadfastness and that’s what we saw in the funeral of the resistance martyr al-Araj,” he added.
Moving to the internal Lebanese front, Sayyed Nasrallah said that “the taxes in Lebanon must be approached away from bidding and settling accounts and lies.” “The populist approach does not work in the new salary scale because such approach make you win in a place and lose in another,” he warned, declaring that the salary scale was a right and that their attempts to obstruct it.
As His Eminence reiterated that Hezbollah refuses any additional taxes on the poor and families of low income, he revealed that the party will put a comprehensive suggestion on the alternatives. “We ask results where around 260,000 families [who will be affected by the wage hike] – the poor and families of low income – are treated equally,” he stressed, noting that “we are seeking a courageous stance where unnecessary expenditures are scrapped. Some sectors can bear additional taxes.”
His Eminence went on to say: There are other realistic sources to fund it but those require a serious decision. He also asked: “What is the problem in taxing the rich, the marine property and large enterprises as all countries do?” In parallel, Sayyed Nasrallah demanded that all political parties make concessions in order to approve an electoral law.
Warning that the time is up once it came to the electoral law, he cautioned that this is becoming adventurous to all political groups. “We are presenting to the Lebanese three bad options, vacuum, [conducting elections over the], 1960 [vote law] and a [new] extension,” Sayyed Nasrallah stated, cautioning that Lebanon will reach a political deadlock if no consensus is reached.
He also stressed that the electoral law is a top priority that needs to be tackled directly “even if the salary scale is put aside for a while.” Sayyed Nasrallah also underscored that “this is a national duty,” urging all political rivals to loosen the grip on their stances. In addition, Hezbollah’s Secretary General reiterated his party’s support of a proportional vote.
“It’s the most adequate even if it affects Hezbollah’s shares from the parliamentary seat,” he repeated, asking “What is the problem if all of us were [represented] at the Parliament?” In this context, he called the political parties to have some modesty and return to its real sizes.
Moving to the Syrian front, the Resistance Leader assured that the days of Daesh, Fateh al-Sham or the al-Nusra Front, and other terrorist groups fighting to topple the Damascus government are numbered. Six years of the war on Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that “The war on Syria has entered its seventh year and the scheme of all those who conspired against Syria is now facing failure.”
“The takfiri terrorist groups came to Syria with a foolish aim of establishing their own state thinking that they were exploiting the US and Turkey,” he said, expecting that “Daesh is reaching its end in Iraq and has no future in Syria.” He further viewed that “the money spent on arms during the past six years could have ended famine in Somalia and poverty in Arab countries and accommodate homeless Palestinians.”
To the militants, Sayyed Nasrallah sent a clear message, “As I said six years ago, the US-Western powers were drawing on you in order to carry out their schemes in Syria.” To them, His Eminence said: “Lay down your arms and join the resistance’s front.” “Isn’t the blood shed so far enough?” he wondered.
“I have repeatedly called on Syria militants not to put trust in [the] West and implement their plots in Syria, because the US and its allies are only using them as cannon fodder and will abandon [them] as soon as they are defeated,” he said. His Eminence also explained that the defeat of the Daesh in Syria would be tantamount to the fall of “Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself.
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah clarified that Netanyahu had recently met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow to express his deep concern over the likely collapse of Daesh in Syria since such a development would mark a great triumph for the Resistance front in the Middle East.
“The axis of the resistance in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen will not be defeated but will emerge victorious,” he vowed.
Zeinab Essa
Source: al-Ahed news