Saudis’ Dirty Hands Evident in Iran Riots: US Analyst

Tasnim – Iran: a senior American political analyst said the dirty hands of the Saudi regime and certain Arab states were evident in the recent unrest in some Iranian cities but the turmoil came to an end due to the strong popular support for the Islamic Establishment
“There can be little doubt that indeed it was dirty money coming from the dirty hands of the Saudis and other (Persian) Gulf nations who proved themselves to be willing partners in such dirty business as demonstrated in the role they played in the destruction of Syria,” Mark Gelnn, from Idaho, told the Tasnim News Agency.
“…popular support for Iran’s government–despite the real economic problems that are being experienced by the Iranian people–remained strong and thus it was this popular support for the government that has–at least for the moment–brought an end to the turmoil,” he added.
Mark Glenn is a writer and co-founder of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, an interfaith forum dedicated to uniting Muslims and Christians against Zionists. He has his own blog The Ugly Truth.
Following is the full text of the interview.
Tasnim: In late December, peaceful protests over rising prices and economic problems broke out in some Iranian cities, but the unauthorized gatherings turned violent after a number of opportunists, some of them armed, vandalized public property and launched attacks on police stations and government buildings. Siding with the rioters, a number of US officials, including Trump and US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, did their best to hype up the unrest. Do you see any connection between the rioters and US continued support for them as Iran says it has hard evidence that the riots were directed from abroad?
Glenn: There is little to no doubt whatsoever that indeed the riots were organized and directed by elements historically known to be enemies of Iran and her 1979 revolution. Consider the timing of certain stories conspicuously placed in the western Zionist media just prior to these upheavals, and in particular, those stories detailing a ‘secret’ Memorandum of Understanding between the US and Israel aimed at targeting Iran and causing her problems.
However, it is also very interesting to note the stark difference between what has just taken place in Iran vs what happened years ago in places such as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and other regimes who found themselves on the receiving end of CIA-instigated ‘popular’ uprisings aimed at regime change. The governments of Tunisia and Egypt fell like the Twin Towers on 9/11. Libya fell afterward but only after a sustained NATO bombing campaign that had left the country a shambles to this day. By contrast, popular support for Iran’s government–despite the real economic problems that are being experienced by the Iranian people–remained strong and thus it was this popular support for the government that has–at least for the moment–brought an end to the turmoil.
Tasnim: Later, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei said a “triangle” of enemies — with the United States and Israel comprising one of its sides, a rich Persian Gulf littoral state on its second side and the anti-Iran MKO terror organization on the third side — has been plotting for the past few months to foment chaos and violence in Iran. What is your take on this?
Glenn: Again, I think all the circumstantial proof we need is there with the highly publicized stories detailing the agreement between the US and Israel forecasting the troubles that were to come, and doubtless that the Supreme Leader and Iran’s security and intelligence services knew well ahead of time about the troubles that were planned and were therefore well prepared for it all.
Tasnim: The Leader further said that the cash for the unrest came from “one of the filthy rich Persian Gulf littoral states. Obviously, such projects need money, but the Americans won’t be willing to spend anything” as long as they have these rich allies”. What do you think?
Glenn: There can be little doubt that indeed it was dirty money coming from the dirty hands of the Saudis and other (Persian) Gulf nations who proved themselves to be willing partners in such dirty business as demonstrated in the role they played in the destruction of Syria. But once again, we must look at the bigger picture here and the long-term perspective–As a result of all of this, Iran’s image in the region has been IMMEASURABLY strengthened and reinvigorated and (this) puts her in a very good position to become THE beacon of resistance to the other nations in the region who (are) now much more unified as a result of Trump’s Jerusalem (al-Quds) declaration.
Tasnim: Ayatollah Khamenei also said the US is angry with the Iranian nation, establishment and the Islamic Revolution due to the blows it has taken from this great movement. Why is the US after the collapse of the Islamic Establishment?
Glenn: There is no doubt that 1979 was indeed a horrible year for the US and that since that time, she has waited for the opportunity to take an eraser to that date lest the regenerative and rehabilitative properties of the events of that year find themselves migrating across borders in the Middle East and result in the liberation of even more vassal states, and with the approach of the upcoming celebrations in Iran next month, there is little doubt that those who seek the destruction of Iran and her strength and sovereignty will be viewing these upcoming celebrations with increased bitterness and bile.