Rouhani: Nuclear Program Will Keep on, Syria Gov’t Will Stay till 2014

The Iranian President-elect Sheikh Hasan Rouhani said on Monday that Tehran will present more transparency in its nuclear program than before, but the Islamic Republic won’t abandon its uranium enrichment process.
During his first press conference, Rouhani stressed that Iran will adopt the doctrine of moderation and not of extremism, noting that recent elections opened another chapter in the country.
Offering thanks to all categories of the Iranian people, Rouhani said that he will fulfill his promises even though they need time to be achieved, but he will arrange files according to their priorities.
The Iranian president called upon the people of Iran for unity, stressing that he will work on reviving economy and constructive cooperation with the world countries.
Fielding a journalist question, Rouhani said that priority will be for boosting the economy, prompting the livelihood and eliminating unemployment.
Regarding the foreign policy, The Iranian president pointed out that the new government will seek friendly relations with all neighboring states, particularly the Saudi Arabia, in accordance with mutual respect and common interests.
On the US-Iran relations, Sheikh Rouhani said that Iran does not seek to increase tensions, but every single step will be in accordance with the then conditions.
“They (the U.S. administration) must not interfere in Iran’s internal affairs, must recognize Iran’s right to enrich uranium and must abandon the policy of pressures”, he stated.
“If we feel their good intention, then we are ready to ease the current pressure”.
As for the Syrian crisis, Rouhani said that the Syrian people is the only party who has the right to decide its destiny, noting that Iran rejects terrorism and internal fights, and warning against any kind of foreign intervention in Syria. He also voiced hope that all world and regional states will contribute to restore stability and peace to Syrian Arab Republic.
“The Syrian crisis must be resolved by the people of Syria. We are against terrorism, civil war, and foreign intervention. Hopefully, with the help of all countries of the region and the world, peace and calm will return to Syria”, the cleric said.
“The Syrian crisis must be resolved by a vote by Syrians. We are concerned by the civil war and foreign interference. The government (of President Bashar al-Assad) must be respected by other countries until the next (2014 presidential) elections and then it is up to the people to decide”.
Touching on the Iranian nuclear program, Dr. Rouhani indicated that the sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic are unjust and the Iranians don’t deserve them, believing that the only beneficiary is the Zionist entity, whereas the western countries suffer of them also.
The president reiterated that Iran will be more transparent in its nuclear program, but it won’t halt the uranium enrichment.
“We will move two steps to end the sanctions: firstly we will double our transparency, and secondly we will enforce confidence between Iran and the International community. In other word, we will work upon lifting the embargo by adopting the policy of step-by-step”, sheikh Rouhani stated.
Answering a question of France 24 correspondence about Irans’ readiness to suspend the uranium enrichment, the President-elect indicated that Iran has passed this stage, recalling that he had agreed with the former French president Jack Shirak on the Iranian nuclear program many years ago. However, the Britons didn’t approve it due to the U.S. pressure.
Source: Al Manar