Rassegna Esteri

Pope Urges World to Help Find Solution to War in Syria

Local Editor

Pope Francis appealed Sunday to the international community to help find a solution to the war in Syria while denouncing a “proliferation in massacres and atrocities” there.

“It’s not confrontation that offers perspectives of hope to resolve the problems but the capacity to meet and hold a dialogue”, the pope said after traditional Sunday prayers. “I launch an appeal to the international community to be more sensitive to this tragic situation and to commit itself to the maximum to help the dear Syrian nation find a solution to a war which spreads destruction and death”, he said.

“I continue to follow the situation in Syria with suffering and worry”, he said. He denounced the “increase in violence in a war between brothers” and the “proliferation of massacres and atrocities”.

“The terrible images of these days again causes me to raise my voice so that the sound of weapons stops”, the pope said without mentioning the chemical weaponsclaims.

Source: Al Manar

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