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Palestinian attack suspect suffered mental health issues

(Ma’an) — Abd al-Rahman al-Shaludi, who died early Thursday after being shot by Israeli police following a suspected attack on civilians in Jerusalem, suffered psychological issues following his release from an Israeli jail, his mother said.

His mother was quoted by the Wadi Hilweh Information Center as saying that her son suffered mental health issues after being released from Israeli prison custody in March, where he was allegedly tortured.

On the day of the incident in Jerusalem, she had taken al-Shaludi to see a doctor who referred her to a psychiatrist and booked an appointment for Nov. 9.

The family say he was assaulted and threatened while serving three different prison terms, the first of which was in September 2012.

A lawyer representing the family said al-Shaludi’s body has been taken for an autopsy against the family’s will, while the suspect’s mother has accused the Israeli police of murdering her son in “cold blood.”

She said police would not cooperate with her and that the family only found out he had died from the media.

On Wednesday evening, al-Shaludi rammed a car into pedestrians in Jerusalem, killing a three-month-old Israeli girl, Haya Zissel Braun. He was shot by police at the scene and later died in hospital.

Footage of the incident posted on YouTube showed a car driving at full speed off the main road and down the pavement where people were standing as two trams passed each other.

Source: http://www.maannews.net/

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