Online petitions launched to secure Press TV anchor Hashemi’s release

Seven online petitions have been launched on the petition website to secure the release of Press TV news presenter Marzieh Hashemi, who has been imprisoned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Police (FBI) on unspecified charges.
In two of the petition to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation and US Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice, the website said it has been informed of Hashemi’s arrest and imprisonment in Washington DC without any clear reasons and formal charges. It added that Ms. Hashemi, who was born in the United States, is an American citizen, who has not been found guilty of any crimes.
In another petition to the United Nations, the website said the “cowardly abduction” of the prominent journalist by the US President Donald Trump’s regime is part of its “obsession with Iran.”
“Trump and gang want the resistance axis to recognize the existence of the illegal and illegitimate Zionist regime occupying Palestine. The Trump gang is ignorant of the fact that the Political Earthquake that happened in Iran in 1979 is today bigger than Iran,” said Saif Ali Budgami who started this petition.
Other petitions are also been sent to a number of American and international bodies and officials demanding Hashemi’s immediate release.
Ms. Hashemi was taken into custody on Sunday in St. Louis, Missouri, where she had filmed a Black Lives Matter documentary. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) also on Friday expressed its “serious concern” over Hashemi’s detention.
The federation wrote in a Twitter post on Friday that the United States must give clarifications about the situation of the anchor of the English-language channel Press TV.
Source: Press Tv