Official Castigates Biased, Flawed UN Human Rights Resolution against Iran

Fars News Agency – Head of the Iranian Judiciary’s High Council for Human Rights Ali Baqeri Kani deplored a UN resolution on the Human Rights situation in Iran, saying that the biased resolution ignores many human rights violations against Iran such as the US illegal sanctions and assassination of anti-terror Commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.
“The resolution, which is supposed to be submitted to the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, lacks any legal basis and it doesn’t reflect the realities of human rights in Iran,” Baqeri said, adding, “Supporters of such anti-Iran resolution, are themselves the violators of the rights of the Iranian people, people of Palestine, Yemen and their own people in terms of supporting the terrorist groups.”
He also expressed his objection over the ignorance of the greatest human rights violation in 2020, namely the US’ assassination of Lieutenant General Soleimani, who spent all his life on defending human rights and fighting terrorism.
“The main basis of this resolution, i.e. the report of the UN Secretary-General on the human rights situation in Iran, suffers numerous shortcomings, flaws, and contradictions,” the judiciary official noted.
“The UN Secretary-General has criticized Iran over the punishment of drug smugglers in the country, however, he has not mentioned anything about the US and its NATO allies, who have a 20-year military presence in Afghanistan, playing a big role in supporting the illicit drugs production and its 45 times surge”, he went on to say.
Baqeri emphasized that the devastating effect of the rise of drug production on Iranian society, the martyrdom of 4,000 and the injury of 12,000 Iranian soldiers in the fight against drug trafficking, the effects of US oppressive sanctions in restricting Iran’s access to anti-narcotic equipment, the consequences of the US economic sanctions on living conditions of the Iranian people amid the global coronavirus crisis, were a few examples of the contradictions of the UN resolution.
Last month, Iran’s Human Rights Headquarters in a statement rapped the UN special rapporteur for his biased and politicized draft report on the human rights situation in the country, saying that contents of his report are based on information provided by terrorist groups and enemies.
“This report, from a logical perspective, should have covered, both positive and negative aspects of the human rights situation, and along raising allegations of human rights violations, to mention cases of protection and promotion of human rights. Unfortunately, the report focuses entirely on the negative cases and ignores the efforts, measures and actions which resulted in the promotion of the human rights situation in Iran. Referring to False information from terrorist sects and hostile governments The report is based on false information received from some terrorist sects and groups that have a dark history of killing thousands of innocent Iranians, and presently try every possible course of animosity against the Iranian people and alliance with the enemies, leaves no room for the Special Rapporteur to claim neutrality,” the statement said.
“Also, the bold role of information received from some organizations affiliated with the governments hostile to the Iranian nation, including the British regime, which has a heavy history of crimes against the Iranian people, over the past few decades, as well as supporting the enemies of the Iranian nation, especially the former Ba’athist regime in Iraq, the terrorist regime in the United States, the occupying Zionist regime, and the invading Saudi regime, have been a proof and indication of lack of honesty and lack of good will by the Special Rapporteur,” it added.
It also criticized ignorance of the US assassination of former IRGC Quds Force Commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in the rapporteur’s report, noting, “The assassination of the greatest defender of the rights of the nations of the region and the most powerful commander in the fight against terrorism, General Qassem Soleimani, which, according to the report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, to the forty-fifth session of the Human Rights Council, was considered as the violation of the three thematic areas of international law, namely right to use of force, humanitarian law and human rights law, was deliberately ignored.”
“This crime had such an impact on the Iranian nation that tens of millions of Iranians came to streets, in tens of cities, for a week and mourned for the greatest savior of the people of the region, including Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims and followers of other religions Christians. The absence of this greatest human rights phenomenon of Iran in the Special Rapporteur’s report leaves no doubt that he is not neutral and neither fair,” the statement underlined.