Lieberman to Israel: Stop Hysteria, Euphoria from Hezbollah

In an attempt to assure the apartheid entity, Israeli War Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated that Tel Aviv shouldn’t be in a state of hysteria or euphoria from Hezbollah.
According to Lieberman, the Israeli army’s policy in the Occupied Golan is “to prevent escalation that could lead to war.” “We have no interest in initiating an escalation in the north or south,” said Lieberman.
“In the Golan, we do not spot Assad’s militias near the border, and even if there is spillover, we will respond with greater severity with each time.” Israeli War Minister added that “Israel will not take part in an international arrangement as long as Iran is part of it, and we will oppose any agreement that leaves al-Assad.”
“We will continue to act to assist the Syrians near the border with the provision of basic goods and medical treatment, as we have provided to 3,000 Syrians so far.”
Source: News Agencies