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Libano. Sheikh Qassem: Dialogue in Syria Only Solution

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Hizbullah’s Deputy Secretary General, His Eminence Sheikh Naim Qassem stated “We are surrounded in Lebanon today by an enemy and a neighbor”; Israel “the enemy and Syria the neighbor.” 
In a ceremony held by Jihad al-Binaa Association entitled ” The Good Tree Project “in the presence of the Minister of Agriculture Hussein Hajj Hassan, a group of MPs, and municipality and civil groups, where His Eminence inaugurated al-Kazem Park, Sheikh Qassem noted,” “Israel” recently held elections, and some waited the results of whether the Leftists or Rightists would pass, but I tell you that Hizbullah never waited results, “Underscoring”, “Israel” is gradually falling down the cliff”. 
“The battle is not in the land of” Israel’s ” enemy anymore, but has moved to the land it occupied; that is what makes “Israel” panic at any battle, and this proves that the honorable resistance is essential, “Sheikh Qassem reiterated. Moreover, his Eminence stressed, “Any invitation to take down the resistance is an “Israeli” call, and those who call for the resistance to withdraw fully knows that they support a premeditated and predetermined “Israeli” project”. “Syria is a neighboring country, however when the crisis began in Syria, we found that there are those who took a hostile stance from Syria and cooperated with the international, regional, and Arab conspiracy on the regime and its people, “emphasizing”, search for the fighters in Syria; what are their nationalities? What are their beliefs”? 

Furthermore, His Eminence indicated, “There are those in Lebanon who bid changes in the Syrian situation so it would impact the Lebanese one, however we repeatedly told them that no matter what happens in Syria, it will only change Lebanon in a limited way, because Lebanon is not closely linked to the Syrian balance”.

Sheikh Qassem Accentuated that “dialogue in Syria is the only solution, so I invite Lebanon to realistically and truly pay attention to the people, and choose an electoral law that represents them”. He further questioned, “Why do you fear a law that would reflect true representation”?adding, “The 60s law is rejected by the abundant majority of political forces in Lebanon and Lebanese; it is outdated”. Sheikh Qassem indicated, “An appropriate law is a just law, and the most suitable is the one that directly links to proportionality , since all people would be represented then”.

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