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Iran to Unveil New Defense Achievements in Days

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Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi announced Tuesday that his ministry would display several defense achievements in the next few days. 
Vahidi said new achievements will be unveiled during the Ten-Day Dawn ceremonies from January 31 to February 10, celebrating the victory of the Islamic Revolution back in 1979. 

In parallel, the minister informed that a space observing base or space observatory, dubbed as “Imam Sadeq”, will be inaugurated during the Ten-Day Dawn ceremonies.

He further added that the base will be tasked with monitoring Iran’s Expeditionary space missions. 
Vahidi also revealed that Iran would unveil the latest home-made fighter jets in the coming days.

“The aircraft will be different from the other fighter jets Iran has already made”, he stated. 
Pointing to the other projects and achievements to be unveiled in mid-February, the minister confirmed that Iran would launch mass-production of air-defense products . 
He added that important projects are underway in missile fields and will be announced later.

It is worth mentioning that Iran has taken wide strides in designing and manufacturing different types of light, semi-heavy and heavy weapons, military tools and equipment. Yet, Iranian officials have always stressed that the country’s military and arms programs serve defensive purposes and should not be perceived as a threat to any other country.

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