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Iran’s right to self-defense against the use of military satellites

NourNews – It is clear that countries, such as Iran, that have been targeted by terrorist acts have the possibility and n to retaliate based on the right of legitimate defense and to target the source of these attacks in time, with their own equipment, and, of course, considering that the consequences are for the one who started this dirty game.

Following the assassination of the Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh last year, the Zionist media in a wide-ranging of propaganda acknowledged the regime’s use of new satellite technologies to carry out this assassination, based on this, they sought to assert their superiority in this area.

Information received by Nournews also indicates that the Zionist regime, in addition to other cases, has misused space and satellite technologies for military and terrorist purposes, which is a clear violation of space security guidelines.

The same allegations were made about sabotaging of nuclear facilities, where the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) did not show the will to protect the nuclear infrastructure of one of its members; that is Iran.

According to this, It is clear that countries, such as Iran, that have been targeted by terrorist acts have the possibility and permission to retaliate based on the right of legitimate defense and to target the source of these attacks in time, with their own equipment, and, of course, considering that the consequences are for the one who started this dirty game.

In recent years, space and satellite technologies, in addition to generating power in various scientific fields, etc., have also played an important role in the intelligence, security and military confrontations of different countries against each other.

Exploitation of space is done for various purposes such as scientific exploration, the use of infinite space resources, telecommunications, remote sensing, distance education, location and navigation, espionage, defense and military.

Since this field is considered as the one of the pillars of power generation in various economic, industrial, political and military dimensions and security in the world today, the issue of “space security” as its integral appendix has been disputed by the great powers. Among them is the ongoing dispute between the United States and Russia in this regard.
One of the highlights of the clash was the Starlink satellite project of Elon Musk, a US-based SpaceX satellite. It so happened that Russia, citing the disruption of its national security, announced that it would target satellites related to the project.

In this regard, the UN Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPS) has adopted protocols in which its member states are obliged to respect the rights of other countries in the field of space and to commit to the peaceful use of this space.

The point is that these technologies, like other technologies, sometimes have dual or multiple uses, which are commonly exploited by regimes with aggressive and violating the rights of other countries and also violating the rules of space security.

In this regard, some regimes use military satellites and other satellites with other applications for military and terrorist purposes, in which case, of course, the target countries will not be subject to space security protocols.
Basically, if the international institutions and organizations that are responsible for regulating the misused of space satellites are not able to defend the rights of other countries and citizens of the international community, in such cases, it is natural that these countries will not sit idle and will also make a direct confrontation, in which case, the world peace and security will be endangered.

In fact, one of the most important functions of international institutions and organizations, as each of them has mentioned in its statutes, is to create a suitable environment for all countries to take advantage of the new technologies and prevent the evil actors of the international system from endangering world peace and security.

by Pooya Mirzaei

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