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Imam Khamenei Urges Muslims to Raise Voice in Support of Palestine in Quds Day

Local Editor

Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei called for wide participation in Al-Quds Day rallies all over the world, as he slammed the United Nations for turning a blind eye to Saudi Arabia’s violations in Yemen.

In a meeting with the Judiciary officials on Wednesday evening, Imam Khameneni called for a high turnout in the Quds Day, which falls on Friday.

The Leader said that the Iranian nation and Muslims all around the world will once again raise their voice in support of the Palestinian people on Friday.

The International Quds Day is an annual event during which demonstrators across the world express their solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people and opposition to the occupation of the Palestinian territories by the Zionist entity.

The day, which falls on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, was named by the late Founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini.

UN’s ‘Blind Eye’
Meanwhile, Imam Khamenei slammed UN over Saudis’ child killing in Yemen.
“The UN’s turning a blind eye to the ongoing crimes and child killing in Yemen in exchange for money from some countries” is a disgrace to humanity, with which the Islamic Republic “must deal legally and judicially across the globe.”

Earlier this month, the United Nations briefly blacklisted Saudi Arabia for children’s rights violations in Yemen based on the results of a report which stated the monarchy was responsible for 60 percent of the 785 underage deaths in Yemen last year. But on June 6, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon removed the kingdom from the list.

Following the U-turn by the UN, Ban admitted that the Saudis were temporarily removed from the list after they administered “undue pressure” on the world body by threatening to cut off funding to humanitarian programs.

The Leader also stressed that the West’s definition of human rights is established on “false foundations”, therefore “Islamic human rights based on firm and rational foundations have to be defined and pursued” at global legal bodies.

Pursuing Violated Iran’s Rights
On the other hand, Imam Khamenei said the judiciary system in the Islamic Republic should pursue the case of Iran’s violated rights during the sanctions.
“Violation of the Iranian people’s rights as a result of sanctions must be pursued judicially on a global scale,” the Leader said.

After Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – the United States, France, Britain, China and Russia – plus Germany started implementing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on January 16, all nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Iran by the European Union, the Security Council and the US were lifted. Iran, in return, has put some limitations on its nuclear activities.

In April, the US Supreme Court ruled that around $2 billion of Iran’s frozen assets blocked under US sanctions be turned over to the American families of the victims of a 1983 bombing in the Lebanese capital Beirut and other attacks allegedly blamed on Iran. The Islamic Republic has denied any role in the attacks.

Source: Al-Manar

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