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Iraqi Parliament Recognizes Hashd al-Shaabi as Official Force with Army Privileges

IraqMembers of the Iraqi parliament voted on Saturday to recognize the Shiite revolutionary force fighting Daesh Takfiri terrorist group, known as Hashd al-Shaabi as an official force with similar rights as the regular army.

MPs in the Iraqi parliament told media that Hashd al-Shaabi will also come under full control of the armed forces. It will also enjoy the same rights and privileges as the army.

The parliamentary decree also stipulates that members of all of Iraq’s ethnic and religious groups will have the right the join Hashd al-Shaabi and they will be reorganized through the army after the Mosul liberation operation. Currently it is a Shiite force.

The Popular Mobilization Units was formed upon a call by Iraq’s grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in the summer of 2014 when Daesh captured several Iraqi provinces and he urged civilians to take up arms and fight the radical group against further expansion.

Source: News Agencies

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