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EU in dilemma: Being independent or serving Washington

Irna – With the election of Masoud Pezeshkian as the president of Iran, European Union (EU) officials and related media are talking about pursuing a policy of critical engagement with Iran.

On Saturday, Nabila Massrali, one of the second-ranking officials of the European Union’s foreign policy office, published a message on X channel and wrote that the body is ready to interact with the new government of Iran in accordance with the “critical engagement policy of the European Union.”

Following this, Euro News Farsi, a news channel close to the EU, published a note on July 7, 2024, tried to distinguish between the positions of the EU and the US and contrast the new approach of Europe towards Iran with the hostile approach of the US.

Euro news wrote that he EU’s strategy for critical engagement with Iran is different from the US’ policy of maximum pressure during the Donald Trump era. The EU’s approach is a combination of diplomatic engagement, economic incentives, and targeted sanctions to deal with Iran’s nuclear program and regional activities through dialog and cooperation.

In contrast, the US maximum pressure strategy in the Trump era with broad and unilateral economic sanctions with the goal to isolate Iran was pursued economically and politically. The US approach also included a strong military presence in the region as a deterrent and a plan to counter Iran’s influence, a clear example of which was the assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in Iraq.

The EU’s policy of critical interaction, which is derived from the arrogant view of European leaders towards the countries of the world, is an outdated strategy dating back to the Cold War era, and Europe, with a gesture of independence from America, tries to adopt the same American strategies with Iran. The EU’s critical engagement policy is a well-known strategy that has been tested with the previous governments of Iran and its ineffectiveness has been recorded.

Meanwhile, the European Union talks about the policy strategy of critical engagement with Iran, forgetting that it is Iran that claims and criticizes the interventionist and unfriendly policies of this Union because of its association with the US, and support for human rights violators, terrorists, and Iran’s anti-Islamic Revolution forces.

In fact, the Islamic Republic of Iran is protesting and criticizing the complicity and cooperation of Europe with the US in not adhering to its commitments in the nuclear agreement. Also imposed against the Iranian nation

The three countries the UK, France, and Germany, which have dark records in the history of Iran, directly or indirectly, have supported anti-Revolution terrorist acts against Iran, and even today, they are complicit in the crimes of Israel by ignoring the genocide of this regime in Gaza.

Despite the official announcement of the victory of Pezeshkian in a free and popular election, the leaders of the EU did not congratulate this victory, as neighboring countries and friends of Iran did, rather arrogantly and presumptuously set terms and conditions for the relationship with Iran.

Th EU and the European countries should know that they cannot have a place in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran unless they reconsider their hostile and unfriendly policies against the Iranian nation.

The distinction between the policies of the EU and the US towards Iran must be shown in practice to gain the trust of the Iranian people, otherwise, the members of the EU will continue to be deprived of friendship with the Iranian people.

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