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Deciphering France’s destructive game in the Vienna talks

NourNews – Although the United States seeks to maintain all-out pressure on Iran in its grand strategy, there are indications that the Biden administration does not agree with France and the European Union’s destructive approach at this stage of the negotiations due to the dire need for foreign policy gains. The new process of Vienna talks between Iran and the P4+1 representatives aimed at lifting sanctions against the Iranian nation has completed its second round.

Given the agreement on the drafts to be discussed in future talks, the third meeting is likely to take place before the start of the new year.

The analysis of the developments in the text and the margins of the last two meetings, which began on Monday the 8th of December, reveals important points that show the joint efforts of the western side of the negotiating table to reverse the truth and advance the issue outside the dialogue.

Accordingly, in order to clarify the path taken by the parties to the negotiations, a review of what has happened so far is an inevitable necessity.

After the withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA in May 1997, Europe launched a large-scale effort to “promise a cure” aimed at the collapse of all of Iran’s economy and nucleus.

Europe’s undeclared policy was to seize the opportunity to meet its strategic goals of putting crushing pressure on Iran’s economy and nuclear industry by seizing the opportunity and hiding behind Trump’s illegal and extremist actions.

In this regard, France, for various reasons, played the role of the flagship of this trend, and this trend is in line with the US approach to reducing its presence in West Asia and focusing on China’s containment strategy by changing Paris’s Middle East policy and trying to replace the US in the area was intensified.

An example of this approach is France’s actions in the Lebanese crisis following the horrific bombing of the port of Beirut in August 1999, which sought to raise international aid but blamed Hezbollah and played a key role in shaping the new government. It was the new Paris.

This year, Macron’s trip to Iraq a few months ago during the Baghdad security summit paved the way for a $ 27 billion oil and gas deal with Total, as well as a $ 19 billion arms deal with the UAE, sending weapons to Saudi Arabia shows Paris’ serious determination in this regard.

In addition, with the withdrawal of France’s longtime rival, Britain, from the European Union, the Elysee Place rulers feel that they can take the lead in Europe to unite in the union and play an independent role in global relations.

Europe’s independent role vis-à-vis the United States on important international issues, especially on issues that are not in the interests of Europe and the United States, is the most important arena for France to show its support for the European Union.

According to this; JCPOA and the new round of talks between Iran and the P4+1, given the sensitivities that the results of these talks have for the countries of the West Asian region as well as the Zionist regime, is one of the most important areas to put pressure on France to play an active role, the United States has attracted some Arab countries in the region and made full use of the Zionist regime’s capabilities.

France is trying to establish within the European Union that not only have Iran’s nuclear capabilities not diminished since JCPOA, but also that Tehran’s rapid progress in rebuilding its capabilities after the US withdrawal from JCPOA has reached much better conditions and it is now a near nuclear threat.

Focusing on this media and propaganda line is also completely desirable for the Zionist regime and some Arab countries in the region, because it reinforces their Iranophobia policy.

Furthermore, by strengthening this media line, France will provide the necessary conditions to increase the Zionist regime’s threats against Iran and legitimize them, as well as a strong presence in the arms market for countries in the region, which will naturally significantly increase their dependence on France.

Another important feature of this approach is that the strategic partnership with the Zionist regime in pursuing this policy, which is complemented by the increase of French involvement in Lebanon in favor of Israel, will create a privileged position for Paris to benefit from the support of the Zionist lobby.

The point is that almost all intelligence and analytical statements, both overt and covert, confirm France’s adoption of this approach during the Iran-P4+1 negotiations.

On the other hand; China and Russia, too, are fully aware of France’s destructive role in the talks, which has somehow become the policy of the three European countries in Vienna, and are anxiously trying to influence the change.

Although the United States seeks to maintain all-out pressure on Iran in its grand strategy, there are indications that the Biden administration is at this stage of the negotiations due to the urgent need to achieve a foreign policy achievement with a destructive approach by France and the EU.

France’s move in this direction since the beginning of the new round of negotiations on November 29 has led to a severe waste of time and the erosion of negotiations and numerous re-arrangements, which will definitely have a negative effect on the formation of constructive and forward-looking negotiations.

France’s behavior so far confirms the fact that Paris has moved beyond the role of “bad cop on the Western playground” (US and Europe) and seeks to create a new playground through which two non-constructive events, including the “complete failure of negotiations” or “imposing JCPOA 2021 on Iran,” can be achieved.

It is very clear that both of the above statements are not desirable for Iran and will not go along with it.

Russia, China, and possibly the United States also do not want the talks to fail, so France’s continuation of this path, despite the relative progress of the talks so far, could be fraught with fragile challenges.

Examining the set of propositions influencing the outcome of the Vienna talks confirms the fact that the new round of talks is a difficult and very complex arena whose effective equations are not limited to Iran’s peaceful nuclear program and illegal and oppressive sanctions against our country.

The Vienna negotiating table has practically become a “strategic arena of competition between global and regional powers”, and a successful passage through this arena, due to the very important opportunities and threats to which it is linked, requires more tact, intelligence, coherence, and seriousness. All parties are interested in a good outcome of these negotiations.

by Mohammad Ghaderi

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