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Controversy over Donald Trump’s interrogations

Teheran Times – The political conditions in the United States are very complicated. On the one hand, the racism of the country’s President Donald Trump has led to great American dissatisfaction. On the other hand, many Democrats have been disturbed in analyzing the conditions in the United States. A review of the latest developments and surveys in the United States can be helpful:

Poll: Majority of voters say ‘send her back’ chants were racist

As Politico reported, Most voters say the chants of “send her back” at a Donald Trump rally in North Carolina last week were racist, as were the president’s tweets about four congresswomen of color that inspired the outburst, a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll found.Fifty-eight percent of voters labeled the chants, which were directed at Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), “racist,” including 87 percent of Democrats. Just 24 percent of Republicans said the chants were racist, according to the poll released on Wednesday.

The chants at a rally in Greenville, N.C., came less than a week after Trump tweeted that Omar and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley — four Democrats who have been critical of him and have come to be known as the “Squad” — should “go back” to their home countries if they were unhappy in the U.S. (All but Omar were born in the United States.)

More than half of voters — 53 percent — said they thought those tweets were racist, including 84 percent of Democrats and 16 percent of Republicans.

“Republicans remain steadfast in their support for President Trump and don’t necessarily view last week’s series of controversial remarks as racist,” said Tyler Sinclair, Morning Consult’s vice president, who added that “83 percent approve and 16 percent disapprove of his performance — unchanged from last week.

Trump’s tweets came in the midst of an intra-party clash between House Democratic leaders and the progressive wing. Speaker Nancy Pelosi chastised the freshman representatives for publicly criticizing their colleagues after a contentious border-funding package passed. Ocasio-Cortez suggested that Pelosi was “singling out” women of color, though she later said Pelosi was not a racist.

Within days, Trump tweeted that the progressive congresswomen were “loudly and viciously” telling people of the U.S. how to run the government: “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”
He added, “I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!”

Pelosi and House Democrats — joined by four moderate Republicans — voted to condemn the president for the “racist comments.” Despite voting against the resolution, many conservative lawmakers disavowed the tweets. And following the “send her back” chants, some House GOP leaders said they were disturbed and took their concerns to Vice President Mike Pence.Trump eventually denounced the chants, saying: “I was not happy with it. I disagree with it. But again, I didn’t say that. They did. But I disagree with it.”

Even though only a quarter of Republican voters said they thought the chants were racist, many of them still were not comfortable with the outburst. Half of Republicans said they thought the “send her back” chants were inappropriate, compared with 38 percent who said they were not inappropriate. Overall, 71 percent of voters said the chants were inappropriate.Perceptions of the rally outburst didn’t change even when voters learned that Trump said he was “not happy” with the chant, the poll found. Nearly two-thirds of participants said they had heard “a lot” or “some” about the episode.Additionally, 54 percent of voters said Trump himself is racist, a 6-point increase from January that was driven by jumps among Democrats and Hispanic voters.

The POLITICO/Morning Consult poll was conducted July 19-21, surveying 1,992 registered voters. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 2 percentage points.

Morning Consult is a nonpartisan media and technology company that provides data-driven research and insights on politics, policy and business strategy.

More details on the poll and its methodology can be found in these two documents: Toplines | Crosstabs

Poll: Americans Not Sold On Trump — Or Democrats

Also NPR reported that President Trump has his highest approval rating yet, even though his reelection prospects continue to be lackluster.Democratic presidential candidates are proposing lots of progressive policies in this election. And while those policies may resonate with the party base, some of those ideas are not popular with a general election electorate, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.And overall, independent voters said they were not impressed with the direction either President Trump or Democrats want to take the country at this point ahead of the 2020 election, the findings show.

“Independents are on the fence overall,” said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion at Marist College, which conducted the poll. “They’re not willing to grant President Trump reelection, and yet they’re not persuaded by Democrats at this point.”
Trump did his best in this polling since taking office, but his approval rating is still just 44%. Fewer independents are undecided about the president and give him a 42% approval rating, up from 35% in June.The poll was conducted from July 15 to 17, after the president’s July 14 tweet that four Democratic congresswomen of color, all American citizens, should “go back” to their countries of origin. The poll of 1,336 adults has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

What’s more, by a 53%-to-39% margin, Americans said they would definitely vote against Trump, statistically unchanged from a month ago; 54% of American voters did not vote for Trump in 2016.Among independents, a third said they would definitely vote for the president, up from one quarter. A majority — 54% — say they definitely won’t, about the same as last month.

The economy

There’s a tremendous gap between views of the president overall and how Americans feel about the economy. Even though Trump gets just a 44% approval rating overall, 52% of registered voters approve of his handling of the economy and two-thirds — 65% — of Americans think the economy is working well for them, including 62% of independents.

“Independents are pleased with the economy, but it is not converting to a strong endorsement on his [Trump’s] reelect question,” Miringoff said.

So there’s a political opportunity for Democrats.But what Americans have heard about the primary so far is not necessarily giving them confidence that Democrats offer a better way. Americans split 46%-to-43% on whether Democrats would take the country in the wrong direction or right one.

Trump says only 11 percent favor impeachment hearings — lower than recent polls show

Washongton Post reported that President Trump cited an unidentified poll Tuesday that he said showed only 11 percent support for starting impeachment hearings against him, a figure notably lower than results from several reputable polling organizations.

“Newest Poll: Only 11% in favor of starting ridiculous impeachment hearings,” Trump said in morning tweets. The posts also touted what he sees as his accomplishments in office and accused Democrats of suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

The White House did not respond to a question about which poll the president was citing, and Trump did not specify what category of people was purportedly surveyed.

Trump cited the same figure later Monday during a wide-ranging speech to a gathering of conservative students in Washington but did not elaborate.

Recent polls have found that impeachment is not a particularly popular option among Americans at this point, but support is higher in recent polls than the figure Trump cited.A Washington Post-ABC News poll published this month found that 37 percent of adults supported beginning impeachment proceedings, while 59 percent opposed the move.

In an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll published this week, support among registered voters for launching impeachment proceedings was lower than in the Post-ABC poll, at 21 percent. But that poll also offered a choice of continuing to investigate Trump that was supported by an additional 27 percent of registered voters. Fifty percent said Congress should not hold hearings.Meanwhile, an Economist-YouGov poll this month found that 36 percent of adults support efforts in the House to impeach Trump, while 45 percent were opposed.

In that poll, 11 percent of Republicans supported efforts to impeach Trump. It’s possible that that is the figure Trump was referencing in his tweet, but the poll was conducted more than a week ago and would not be the “newest.”

Trump’s tweets came on the eve of highly anticipated congressional testimony from former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III about his report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Pro-impeachment Democrats hope that Mueller’s appearance will help build support for a case that Trump obstructed the special counsel’s probe.More than 90 House Democrats have called for launching impeachment proceedings, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has resisted the idea.

“These people have gone totally crazy,” Trump said during his remarks to the gathering of students sponsored by Turning Point USA, referring to lawmakers who have called for his impeachment.

Trump also criticized Congress again for following up on the Mueller probe.

“How about this whole witch hunt that’s going on?” he asked the students. “It makes it very hard to deal with Russia.”

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