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B’Tselem: “Israel” Using Deadly Force on Unarmed Palestinians

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A new report released Monday by the so-called B’Tselem human rights group revealed that over the past eight years at least 10 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank over the “Israeli” army’s use of crowd-control measures.

The group further highlighted that “the” Israeli “military systematically violates protocols associated with the use of crowd-control measures, which include tear gas, rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades – to name a few”. 
In parallel, the report accused the “Israeli”army of” using deadly force to disperse unarmed Palestinian protesters “in the West Bank,” unveiling that ” ” Israeli “forces have killed fifty-six people since 2 005 in clashes with rock-throwing Palestinians.” “The” Israeli “military’s standing orders explicitly state that live ammunition may not be fired at stone-throwers”, the report added. 

“Of the Palestinian Martyrs since 2005, six were killed by rubber-coated metal bullets and two by Teargas canisters, both non-lethal weapons which were fired directly at protesters”, B’Tselem said.

The other 48 protesters killed were hit by live ammunition.

“In practice, members of the security forces make almost routine use of these weapons in unlawful, dangerous ways, and the relevant” Israeli “authorities do too little to prevent the recurrence of this conduct”, the report said.
Last week, “Israeli”occupation forces Martyred two Palestinians from Bethlehem. 
On Wednesday, 15-year-old Salih al-Amarin, from Azza refugee camp, was Martyred in hospital after “Israeli” forces shot him in the head during clashes in Bethlehem a few days earlier. 
The same day, the female student, Lubna Hanash, 22, was shot in the head when 
“Israeli” soldiers in a civilian car opened fire at a group standing at the entrance to al-Arrub refugee camp south of Bethlehem.

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