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Ahmadinejad: supporting rights of Palestinian nation Iran’s strategy

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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday that supporting the rights of the Palestinian nation is a major strategy of Iran.

He made the remarks in Cairo in a meeting with the Palestinian Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas which took place at the sideline of the 12th Summit of Organization of the Islamic Cooperation.

Expressing happiness over the United Nations recognition of Palestine as member of the United Nations, he said the Zionist regime was already objecting to such a recognition.

He said he was confident that nations are to meet a better destiny if they continue with resistance to the bullying powers, calling for supporting Palestinian nation.

He said enemies have been benefiting from disagreements within the Palestinian nation but there is high hope that efforts underway to create unity among them will be fruitful.

Abbas appreciated Iran’s supports for the Palestinian nation and said Iranian brothers have always stood by the oppressed nation of Palestine.

Pointing to west’s pressures and the negative attitudes of a number of western and Arab governments towards membership of Palestine in the United Nations, he said Palestinians will safeguard their achievement which he said is a big one.

Referring to his efforts to establish unity and reconciliation among Palestinian groups, he noted that the Palestinian youth are as before seeking new ways to continue with resistance movement.

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