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New home demolitions in Negev and Jerusalem

Israeli occupation authorities on Thursday demolished two Palestinian homes in az-Zarnouq village in the Negev, and ordered the demolition of a third one in Jerusalem.

Israeli bulldozers, escorted by armed forces, stormed the village, threw a cordon around the targeted homes, which are owned by the Abu Qweider family, and destroyed them. Two families have been left homeless with no shelter under the scorching sun of the Negev desert. 

Meanwhile, Israel’s Supreme Court on Thursday gave Palestinian citizen Yasin Za’atra a time limit until next Sunday to demolish his own home in Jabal al-Mukabber village in Occupied Jerusalem.

Otherwise, the Israeli-controlled Jerusalem municipality would carry out the demolition and force Za’atra to pay a 100,000 NIS fine. 

Israeli occupation authorities have recently intensified their demolition campaigns in Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories occupied since 1948 over “unlicensed construction” allegations.

This all falls in line with a larger plan to put more pressure on Palestinian communities, push them out of these areas, and clear the way for further settlement expansion.

Source: PalInfo

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