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Hezbollah Has Empowered Women, Relied on Them in Influential Positions

Hezbollah – In the 6th century, Mecca has become the cradle of the world’s third great monotheistic religion, Islam. Indeed Islamic teachings have led the world with women’s rights, empowering and granting women their basic rights centuries before the West allegedly did so. Women all through the Islamic history have played an influential role along with men, for the most part, Sayyida Khadija (PBUH); the Prophet’s wife, Sayyida Fatima al-Zahraa (PBUH); the Prophet’s daughter and later Sayyida Zainab (PBUH) the Prophet’s granddaughter. These great figures, particularly Sayyida Zainab have influenced Lebanese Resistance women in their revolutionary movement, which has been ongoing since 1982.

hezbollahThe methodology to reflecting the revolutionary character of the Lebanese Hezbollah women, in this article, is the Zainabist approach. Centuries before the so-called Feminism, Sayyida Zainab had initiated a revolutionary movement throughout her outstanding life and attitudes. As far as Zainabism is concerned, political, social and ideological reform movements are equally led by women and men. Women, from all walks of life, as men, are requested to effectively take part in the revolutionary anti-corruption movement, intended to establish strong legislation and enforcement against perceived endemic corruption and oppression.

Prophet Muhammad’s dynasty has presented to the world an exceptional theory, which reflects how the authentic genuine Islam view women, their rights and their significant roles. This theory is entitled ZAINABISM. Zainabism embodies the women’s vital roles and responsibilities, derived from the heroic character of Ashura Uprising, Sayyida Zainab’s life and standpoints. This ideological school has indeed become the first and foremost approach followed by Shiite women and particularly Lebanese Resistance Women. Those outstanding impulsive women have been exemplary icons in their struggle against the Zionist and Western enemies, along with their men.

Indeed, Late Ayatollah Imam Ruhullah Khomeini emerged by the very end of the twentieth century as the savior of Shi’ism, he had once asserted, “Women are like the Quran; both have been assigned to guide humanity.” Besides, His Eminence, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei says, “Men and women are no different when it comes to the ascendance of spiritual positions, the power of leadership, and the capability to lead humankind.”

During the age of ignorance of pre-Islamic times, women were considered a disgrace and inferior to men and their role had not exceeded the sexual and domestic field. Undoubtedly, with the advent of Islam, women were freed from those circumstances and granted their fundamental rights and status as the bedrock of the prosperous society. Being the tutor for humanity, the Prophet (PBUH) provided the environment from which the Zainabism movement will emerge and lead-free women of all ages.

Ayatollah Khamenei says, “Making women a commodity and an object of gratification in the Western world is most likely among Zionist plots aiming to destroy the society. Today, Western thinkers and those who pursue issues such as gender equality regret the corruption which it has brought about.” Islam came to liberate women at a time when women were objects to be traded off, disposed of and owned as commodities.

Islam has insisted that women are neither merely caretakers nor the definitions the West has reduced them to. Women are honored by God to build powerful nations and thus Heaven is laid at their feet.

Hezbollah has emerged as a resistance movement and a leading political party in the aftermath of the Lebanese civil war, which lasted from 1975 up to the early 1990s… Indeed, Hezbollah doctrine is greatly influenced by its ideological affiliations, i.e. the principles of the Shiite School. These beliefs have played an influential role in Hezbollah history, policy and stances. Therefore, Hezbollah women particularly have been driven and programmed based on the ideals and tenets of the Zainabist approach.

Sayyida Zainab refused the omnipotent authority of the Umayyad dictatorial policy in her age, for this reason, she initiated, along with her brother Imam Hussein (PBUH), Ashura uprising and later safeguarded the chief principles of this revolution. She perceived that mere stances could not bring about reforms without patience and perseverance. Competing politics of grievance and bureaucracy could complicate the flexibility of Islamic teachings; as a result, Sayyida Zainab (PBUH) stood firmly against the tyrant of her time and heroically resist its brutality. This thought has stimulated Lebanese Resistance women to understand the enemies’ conspiracies and plots, thus they stand determinedly and steadfastly to safeguard their society in many different ways.

Does the West wonder how Hezbollah heroic fighters are brought up? It is explicit who stands behind them and how! The upbringing of Hezbollah men illustrates the degree to which biological and ideological environment influence children’s personality, values, and aptitudes. Apparently, those men are grown up to be well-adjusted, loyal and revolutionary members of the Resistance society. Moreover, and from the very beginning, those heroines have perceived their influential and powerful societal role. They established many educational and charitable working groups, for instance, Hezbollah Women’s Directorates. Multi-roles of women in domestic and public sectors have basically affected the behavior, the structure, the function, and the construction of Hezbollah.

Definitely, those devout women have kept the flame of loyalty and resistance flourishing and passed it onto their children. Sayyida Zainab’s philosophy of freedom, steadfastness, justice and combating despotism is unequivocally revealed in her outstanding character. She did not collapse, despite all the pain and challenges, but rather she emerged as the most courageous female politician with her decisive heroic stances. Sayyida Zainab’s extraordinary patience and faithfulness are embodied in her prayer, amid all the very inhumane and drastic tragedies at Karbala, she said, “O my Lord! Accept our humble sacrifice to You.” This stance has a great impact on Resistance women, despite the hardships and the hostility of the consecutive wars; they are ready to sacrifice at the altar of freedom and for the sake of their cause.

The Supreme Leader says, “Sayyida Zainab proved that it is possible to turn feminine morality and modesty into glory and great jihad (selfless endeavor).”

Within Hezbollah’s ideology, the Zionist entity is essentially the USA’s strategic imperialist partner in the region. The vehement opposition towards the aggressive practices by the Zionist entity has been consistently firm within the political and historical context of the Resistance rhetoric.

Hezbollah outlines its aim at ending the burdensome of Zionist occupation. Obviously, the Resistance core argument with the US is due to its blatant policies, which aims at subordinating and splitting the Middle East, with the aim of legitimizing the Zionist Entity and normalizing ties with the ‘Arab rulers’; particularly the occupiers of Mecca and Hejaz. The Secretary-General of Hezbollah; Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has frequently emphasized that the conflict with the imperialist powers is related to the enemies’ attempt to control and take hold of the capabilities of the nation, freedom and justice. Sayyed Nasrallah has stressed that their main objective is to liberate the occupied land…

From its founding, Hezbollah women have headed education, medical and social service organizations. They effectively serve their community and promote Hezbollah’s ideology in order to raise disciplined and committed fighters against Zionism, Imperialism and Takfirism. Indeed, Resistance women have exerted an exceptional effort to advance Hezbollah’s victories over the enemies, most recently their determination to aid their men who have been heroically confronting the Takfiris in Syria, since 2012. The mothers of martyrs have adopted the strength and resilience from Sayyida Zainab and so proud to elevate to this preeminent status. Their courage and patience are indescribable, as they hail the death of their beloved as a sacrifice, a martyrdom. For those women, Hezbollah’s engagement in Syria has been very significant, mainly to protect Sayyida Zainab’s shrine in Damascus, the Ummah’s (Muslim Nation) cause, sovereignty and dignity. Sayyida Zainab is a model of patience, endurance, injustice and defiance against oppression.

Both Lebanese Resistance women and men are extraordinary on their own merit, and both have a wisdom and heroism that free people can hardly grasp. Sayyida Zainab was brought up in an environment replete with resistance, courage and bravery. She received Islamic education on the lap of her pious mother and father and became a typical Muslim woman. Sayyida Zainab is a role model of resistance and sacrifice; an icon which Resistance Lebanese women have followed.


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