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Iran N-talks rollover shows parties’ will to reach deal

Local Editor

A senior Iranian lawmaker says the agreement on the rollover of talks between Iran and the Sextet of world powers is proof of the parties’ determination to reach a final nuclear deal. The message [conveyed] to the public opinion from the extension of the Vienna talks is that the sides have the will to reach a comprehensive and final agreement,” Chairman of Iran’s Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Alaeddin Boroujerdi said on Sunday. 

He also emphasized that the agreement on the four-month extension of the negotiations on Tehran’s nuclear energy program does not mean that there will be a change in the Islamic Republic’s positions. We decided to achieve an agreement for the sake of defending our nation’s nuclear rights,” the Iranian parliamentarian added. Boroujerdi further expressed hope that the United States would abandon its excessive demands so that the output of these four months would be a final accord.


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