Rassegna Esteri

Cia: Assad to Get 75% of Votes in Next Term, Syrian Gov’t in Advance

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Us Central Intelligence Agency, Cia, believes that President Bashar al-Assad is to gain 75% of the Syrian people’s votes if he runs for presidency in the year of 2014.

According to Western reports, the Cia said that Assad is to remain as a president of Syria till the year of 2020.

The intelligence agency also said it has built its information according to reports from inside Syria, in addition to opinion polls. These reports and polls show that Assad is to impartially get 75% of the votes as there is no other worth mentioning candidate that can stand against him for presidency.

The developments on the battlefield give superiority to the Syrian government which has been bolstering its popularity, Cia reported, noting that it believes that this situation will last to the next year when the presidential election will take place.

Source: Al Manar

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