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UN special rapporteur calls for imposing sanctions on Israel

Mehr News – The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories Francesca Albanese has called for the imposition of sanctions against the Zionist regime.

UN Special Rapporteur underlined on Saturday that the Israeli regime even extended its military operation in Rafah city located in the southern Gaza Strip following the Friday ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

The rapporteur also said that the Israeli regime will not stop its madness and absurdity unless the international community stops it, so sanctions must be imposed on the regime, arms exports to it must be banned, and diplomatic relations with Tel Aviv must be suspended until the attack on Rafah is halted.

Director of the Middle East and North Africa department at Amnesty International Heba Morayef also emphasized in a statement on the organization’s website on Friday night that any military action which could amount to genocide must be stopped; therefore, the Israeli officials must completely halt the military operations in Rafah.

There is no doubt that the ground incursion and the forced displacement of the Gaza residents pose even greater irreversible menaces for the Palestinians whose rights are guaranteed under the Genocide Convention, Morayef warned.

Lebanese Judge Nawaf Salam, President of the International Court of Justice, said that in accordance with the Genocide Convention, any operation in Rafah could lead to partial or total destruction in this city, so the Israeli regime must immediately stop the military invasion of Rafah.

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