100 days long war; The shame of 100 thousand years

NourNews – There is a famous saying that when the war ends, few people remember why it was started. An example that the Israeli regime wishes to be an example of; Because after 100 days have passed since the new round of attacks on the Gaza Strip, it has not even come close to any of the goals it stated at the beginning. Now the main question is; What has Tel Aviv achieved in these 100 days of war?
About three months ago, Tel Aviv hosted the senior officials of its allied countries, who traveled to the occupied territories to sympathize with the Israeli regime, bewitched and disturbed by the “Al-Aqsa Storm” operation; At the head of them is Joe Biden, who was the only American president to visit a war-torn country. Warm hugs, financial and weapons promises, and drawing a line for Hamas were only part of the content of the diplomatic trips of the American allies and the Zionist regime to the occupied territories. But the war showed its ugly face very soon. Most importantly, it was the unprecedented revelation of the unmasked nature of the Zionist regime, which has now created the most difficult conditions for this regime and its Arab and Western allies.
Shocking statistics from the Gaza war
The European-Mediterranean Independent Human Rights Organization announced in a report on the 100th day of the Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip that 100,000 Palestinians were martyred, wounded, or went missing in this area. According to this report, 92% of the victims of the Gaza war are civilians with no military affiliation whatsoever.
24,000 people, equivalent to 1% of the 2,300,000 population of Gaza, were martyred in the last 100 days,. That means 240 people every day! 14 thousand rockets were fired at Gaza; Which means that 2 rockets were used to massacre every 3 people.
10,000 of the dead were under 18 years old; That means 6,500 rockets were fired just to kill children. Half a million people, or 25% of the population of Gaza, are hungry, and 9 out of 10 people go without food for 24 hours or more.
64 thousand Palestinians were injured; including 8663 children and 6327 women. 1000 children have lost one or both legs. 1,800,000 Palestinians have been displaced; This means that 85% of the population of Gaza no longer have a place to live. 625,000 Palestinian students dropped out of school. 160 thousand buildings, 142 mosques, 3 churches, and 21 hospitals out of 36 hospitals in Gaza were destroyed. At least 600 medical staff, 82 journalists, and 148 UN staff were killed; It means that the Zionist regime crossed all the red lines in this war. 8000 children are missing and will probably never be found; Because they are buried under the rubble!
It was on this basis that Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA’s High Commissioner, declared: “The past 100 days were like 100 years for the people of Gaza.” Now the question is, what was the relationship between this shameful achievement and the goal that was initially stated by the Zionist regime? The answer to this question is very short; Absolutely nothing!
Gaining from blind killing
The fact is that Tel Aviv, in order to cover up the inactivity and failure of its intelligence, security, and military system after the surprise operation “Al-Aqsa Storm”, said that it will attack Gaza with the aim of destroying Hamas and freeing its captives, and at the same time claims such as the re-occupation of Gaza. Was raised. Now, after 100 days of the war, the Zionists have claimed that 9 thousands Hamas soldiers have been killed; At the same time, according to the testimony of the continuation of the powerful military operations of Hamas against the Israeli regime, as well as the official statistics, the capabilities of this group have not been seriously damaged. In addition to the conditions governing the Hamas forces, the continuous desertion of soldiers from the Zionist army, as well as the high number of casualties and the mental and psychological problems of the Zionist soldiers, indicate that the claims made by the Zionist officials and their supporters are non-true.
Irreparable losses and damages of the Israeli regime
After 100 days of war and intense rocket attacks on the occupied territories, the Israeli army admitted and announced that it fired 11,000 rockets at different areas. “Yedioth Ahronoth” newspaper wrote in the summary of the last one hundred days; At least 12,500 Israeli soldiers have been disabled in Gaza. Also, the army of the Zionist regime acknowledged the psychological damage to about 9,000 soldiers of this regime.
In the political field, while Netanyahu’s idea of war was an excuse for political cohesion and remaining in power, this idea has practically disappeared and the differences between political currents on the one hand, and the military and politicians on the other hand have become so intense that many have called for early elections.
Netanyahu’s political failures have progressed to the point where the Supreme Court of this regime suspended Netanyahu’s judicial reforms that had been approved earlier. In the social sphere, the principles of the formation of the Zionist regime, i.e., security, economy, and democracy, have become meaningless words with the “Al-Aqsa Storm” operation, Netanyahu’s autocracy, and the rocket rains on the occupied lands by the resistance axis.
The cost of the war has led to the collapse of the stock market and the micro and macroeconomy of the Zionist regime and has destroyed the dream of economy and prosperity. The result of this situation has brought a wave of reverse migration; As the statistics show that tens of thousands of residents of the occupied lands have returned to their countries, as well as the displacement of 500,000 Zionists.
The war not only did not create the internal consensus of this regime but also added to the wave of protests and anti-government demonstrations; On the 100th day of the war, many Israeli companies organized a rally and a 100-minute strike. Thousands of people in Tel Aviv demanded the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu in an anti-government demonstration. Because he did not do enough to free the hostages from Hamas. They demanded to hand over Netanyahu to the resistance in exchange for the release of the prisoners of this regime. The peak of these protests is the recent 24-hour gathering and demonstration of the residents of the occupied lands in Tel Aviv.
Expensive support
Although the Zionists and America still have the media space in their hands on the international scene, and they are trying to justify the crimes of the Zionists with the politics of oppressors and shifting the place of the oppressor and the oppressed, but the world’s reactions have been different from these creations; As in these 100 days, countless countries witnessed mass demonstrations in support of Palestine, and even in a country like England, whose leaders support the Zionist regime, several hundred thousand people held demonstrations in support of Palestine.
This popular support caused South Africa to reopen the Gaza genocide case by the Zionists at The Hague Court.
In the meantime, the leaders of the West, who in the early days of the war considered the “destruction of Hamas” and “domination of Gaza” to be the right of the Zionists, and the US Secretary of State said in the Senate that Hamas should be eliminated and Gaza should be handed over to the self-governing organizations, now they acknowledge the unrealistic nature of these plans and considered it impossible to eliminate Hamas and re-occupy Gaza.
Of course, the United States and some European countries such as Germany, England, and France continue to support the Zionist regime by sending weapons, suppressing public demonstrations, lying in the media, projecting and accusing Iran with baseless claims, preventing the approval of the ceasefire resolution and punishing the Zionist regime in the Security Council and … they continue, but the walls of the “BBC” building, which were stained with blood by the British demonstrators, showed that even the public opinion of the citizens of the countries that support the Zionist regime do not accept the old claims.
by Mohammad Ghaderi